so today was a good day. i had orientation at work. and i was off at 3:30!!!!
i have it as well tomorrow and im pretty excited to be off early again. it seems that now that i work nights "chefs life" i forgot what the rest of the world was like when service starts. (5:00)
i had killer pizza today with brandon. it was quite good. i wish i had more time to spend not only with him but with friends and family.. being a grown up is hard. sometimes i feel so overwhealmed with how life goes. it seems to fly by before my eyes.
especially at work. before i know it its 2 oclock and prep starts. fast fast fast. then its 5:30. order after order after order sometimes it seems like the printer never stops to take a rest. just a relay of that same noise over and over and over until suddenly its 10:00. until you feel like you can't go on any longer, it stops. only to be repeated day after day.
i have love for the adrenaline. it keeps me going. fuel to my fire. the cheese to my macaroni. ha.
all in a days work i guess.
see you next time.